'Biar betul korang makan kat situ? RNR tu dah berzaman tutup, mana ada kedai buka kat atas tu?!'

"Saya pernah terkena di RNR di Tasik Raban, Perak, kawasan Lenggong. Siap makan dan solat lagi. Tup-tup muntah bila dapat tahu yang RNR itu sebenarnya sudah lama tutup. Dah naik lalang pokok dah tempat itu," demikian perkongsian individu yang menggunakan nama samaran, Seterus Menerus

Menurutnya, kejadian itu berlaku sekitar tahun 2013 ketika dia dan tiga lagi rakannya dalam perjalanan ke rumah sahabat mereka di Kuala Kangsar.

MASA itu dalam tahun 2013, kalau tak silap. Kami dalam perjalanan nak pergi ke rumah kawan, ada kenduri. Jadi kami berempat melalui Jalan Lenggong itu. Rumah kawan terletak di Kuala Kangsar. Jalan nak pergi ke rumah kawan kami ini boleh tahan juga seramnya. 

Dalam perjalanan, kami berempat terasa lapar sangat-sangat. Jadi kami mengambil keputusan untuk berhenti sebentar di RNR Tasik Raban. Masa itu, keadaan RNR meriah. Majoriti orang semua dok pakat pakai pakaian putih. Tak terfikir yang bukan-bukan pula pada masa itu sebab kami berempat. 

Masa itu jam di tangan menunjukkan jam 8.20 malam. Kami keluar dari kereta dan pergi solat dulu. Selesai solat, kami pun pergilah makan. Suasana pada malam itu memang sejuk. Pengunjung memang ramai dan pemandangan pun cantik. Maklumlah atas bukit, bawa tasik. 

Selesai makan, kami pun kekenyangan dan kami menyambung kembali perjalanan ke rumah kawan kami yang sudah tidak beberapa jauh dari RNR itu. Lebih kurang baki dalam tujuh kilometer lagi. 

Apabila sampai di destinasi, kawan pun tanya kenapa lewat sampai. Saya pun jawablah,

"Bawak kereta slow-slow. Takut terlanggar babi. Hihihi!"

Kami pun gelak bersama-sama. 

"Dah makan ke belum? Kalau belum, jom masuk makan dulu," pelawanya. 

"Kami dah makan tadi di RNR Tasik Raban", jawab salah seorang rakan saya.

Kata-katanya membuatkan kawan saya itu tadi terkejut beruk. 

"Weh! Biar betul?" soalnya.

"Yela, kami lapar, itu yang singgah." jawab rakan itu tadi. 

"Weh! Korang tau tak yang RNR itu dah berzaman tutup. Mana ada kedai buka di atas tu," tegasnya. 

"Weh! Jangan main-main!" saya dah mula risau.

"Betul lah! Buat apa aku nak tipu!" tegasnya. 

Selepas itu, kami semua muntah-muntah tak ingat. Baunya jangan ditanya. Bau macam bangkai. Bila disuluh muntah-muntah itu, mak aih! Macam ulat-ulat bergerak sana sini. Ya Allah, malam itu semua tak dapat nak tidur dan malam itu juga terus tidur di rumah kawan itu sebab tak boleh nak gerak malam itu juga. 

Keesokan harinya, bila kami lalu semula di depan jalan masuk ke RNR Tasik Raban, Ya Allah, memang sungguh RNR itu sudah ditutup. Dah berhutan. Tetapi apa yang kami pelik ialah, jalan nak masuk ke RNR itu dah ditutup dengan bongkah batu besar. Macam mana kereta kami boleh masuk?? Tak masuk akal sungguh. 

kredit: lenggong2lipis.blogspot.com

Semenjak dari peristiwa yang menyeramkan itu, kami lebih berhati-hati. Terpulanglah sama ada korang nak percaya atau tidak. 



It is hard to say what the best car insurance is before getting car insurance quotes Florida, since it depends on the profile of each insured and what he considers important.
For some people, the best insurance for cars is one that offers more protection and that can simply be hired online, through the comfort of their own home; for others the best insurance is the one that offers the best price and that is purchased via car insurance quotes Florida. Part of drivers consider a car reservation something essential, while others are more concerned with a secure personal passenger accidents.
How to choose the best car insurance? Get tips with car insurance quotes Florida


Make a quote for auto insurance in various insurers, including car insurance quotes Florida, so that you can better understand the proposals of each of them and what the differential of each. Some insurers offer a more extensive winch mileage; others provide compensation for price again for up to 6 months – in addition to the price of each one, of course. Quoting with car insurance quotes Florida, you receive results online after filling out our form, asking to 8 among the best insurance companies in the market in just 30 seconds! Also, you can talk to one of our consultants and receive offers from other insurance partners.read review here!


Think about why you are hiring your insurance. You are hiring auto insurance because you’re afraid someone hit your car or because you are afraid of being stolen? You do not have much fear of fire or flooding but is more concerned about theft? Know why you are hiring safe will help separate a good proposal of others that will not meet as well its function. Additionally, you can also take out insurance with coverage for third parties or for personal passenger accidents important coverages that can be a relief if you hit your car in the vehicle of another person or a passenger gets hurt.
This also applies to the assistance of auto insurance. You depend on your car for your mobility? So in the case of an unforeseen, a spare car will be important to you. Another thing: usually travel a lot by car? A winch with a higher mileage trailer can be the difference between a smooth ride and a complicated journey. In addition, insurers offer other advantages such as relief for dry crash and even residential services within its 24-hour assistance package. That is why you should only trust the best, trust car insurance quotes Florida!Visit websitehttp://www.alliance321.com/


Use the deductible in your favor. Insurers generally offer different franchise options, ranging from standard, enlarged, reduced or free (learn more about each type in our guide about franchising). If you have more fear of a knock, opt for a slightly higher but with the cheapest insurance deductible – since you only drive the franchise claims that commit up to 75% of the car value. The opposite is also true: opt for a more expensive franchise if your main fear is theft and thus pay a little less on insurance.
Remember the cover for third parties. Most plans now offer this type of coverage – but it’s not why you should not adapt it to your needs. Since these plans cover damage to health and property of others, think about the worst that can happen: as you would have to pay if you hit that Porsche parked in the mall. We know it’s not nice to think that way, but it is always important to prepare – and your insurance car company (car insurance quotes Florida) can help you.